It all began with Adam & Eve

Paradies Streichholzschachtel

Adam & Eve lived in a tiny, unimposing, nearly invisible thingamabob. The walls were slanting, it had no roof. A twisted little thing.


They pressed hard, pushed the walls and pottered about and their thingamabox became nicer and nicer.


All came and stayed. Together they made it prettier and prettier.

Paradies Schächtelchen

Soon it looked like a thingabox, resembling a matchbox.


Still, it was itsy-bitsy, teensy-weensy – too small for being a real paradise.


Day by day it filled up and became cramped.

Adam und Eva Papier

One nice day they squeezed out of their cramped box … and were … blinded.


They looked at the sun … the moon … and the stars. it was awesome!


But all around them the world was empty. Sooooooo eeeeeeempty.

Adam und Eva Schächtelchen

They hurried to take everything out of their matchbox. Amazing how much it was. They had soooooo many things.


They skilfully placed everything on the outside of the matchbox.


The grand void filled with trees and animals. And suddenly they were in paradise.


Tiny and still full of miracles.